The Green Building Revolution

There have been several reports and studies done on the value of green building and high-performance buildings. The green building revolution. Property owners can put a little more green in their pocket by investing in green properties.
Green Building Revolution
The green building revolution is full steam ahead. The housing market is progressing quickly with the advancement of high-performance, healthy buildings. Environmental-friendly construction that was once thought of as a small niche market is now becoming mainstream.
Those that do not have environmentally-friendly buildings may see a decrease while green, energy efficient, sustainable home sales and occupancy will increase. Very soon there will be a time when we don’t even use the term ‘green home’ – it will be a given.
Energy Consumption
Why should we care? According to the UNEP, buildings are responsible for 40 per cent of the total global energy consumption and 60 per cent of world electricity utilization. These numbers include both residential and commercial buildings. Energy to run operations, such as air-conditioning, lighting, heating, and ventilation, can be greatly reduced by modifying the buildings’ internal systems and in turn enhance building performance.
In addition, buildings are responsible for consuming about 25 per cent of the global water supply and a total of 40 per cent of our global resources. If individuals and companies improve their efforts to make buildings more efficient, the associated environmental benefits could be huge with an additional benefit of putting green back into your pocket!
Human Health and Building Design
A WorldGBC report explains the relationship between human health and a building’s design elements. Knowing this measurable is how solutions can be designed and implemented. This is how to deliver the types of positive results we want to see from buildings. This report from the World Green Building Council indicates the overwhelming evidence that building design significantly impacts the health, wellbeing and productivity of its occupants.
Green Construction Resources
There are many reasons organizations are restructuring policies and implementing guidelines for green construction. Learn about the local progression the green building revolution here in Nanaimo through the RDN and City of Nanaimo.
Other Resources:
- For more information about healthy living and green real estate check out Delos Living they are placing wellness at the center of design. Educating and building Wellness Real Estate for the people.
- To learn about the green building movement in the Pacific Northwest follow the International Living Future Institute. Offering green building and infrastructure solutions.
- There are more green building management companies showing up such as the international group BNP Parabis.
- The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, BC offers 50 Ways to Green Your Home. Solutions anyone can start doing today.
- The GreenHome Institute is a great resource.
Now this is progressive and socially responsible real estate. Did you know that RE/MAX offers green home branding and certified green designations the their REALTORS®?
Rental Properties
Not only did this study find improved energy consumption, the properties received higher ratings for tenant satisfaction. For the energy consumption alone, green buildings had 14 per cent lower energy use on a square foot basis.
Financial Returns
“This is the most in-depth and conclusive analysis conducted to date of the link between responsible property investment practice and financial returns,” – Gary Whitelaw, chief executive of the Bentall Kennedy Group.
The focus on energy and sustainability in buildings is not only as a socially responsible strategy, but now we can see the results of this study is as a way to enhance property income for landlords.
Occupancy rates for green buildings in Canada had an 18.7 per cent higher rate of being filled.